Our course is designed to give you the information, support and guidance that many new mums need in those early weeks.
Take it from the mums who have done the course, they all highly recommend Zalie and the amazing support and knowledge she has to offer. Find your course below xx
NEXT COURSE STARTS Thursday May 16th
Course Details:
Runs over 6 consecutive weeks from
1-3pm at The Stork Network Birdhouse
Inside the Allenton Mall
63 Harrison Street, Ashburton.
Participants Receive:
6x 2 hours of dedicated sessions
Guest Speakers
Free car seat assessment and installation if needed
Course booklet with useful information
Light refreshments
Learning Babies is a 6 week course for new mums and their brand new babies. Come and relax in a warm and inviting atmosphere where you can develop new friendships with other mums who are going through a similar experience to you.
Each week brings a new focus, from self-care and adjusting to parenting to newborn behaviours and brain development. We love to see new mums grow in confidence and to watch their little ones grow too.
The first baby that we have is what we at The Stork Network like to call our "learning babies'. We have to make so many fundamental decisions about who we are as parents and what we believe to be the best care for our children and it's often our first babies who we make these choices with. They really define our morals, values and beliefs as parents and as a family. Not only are we discovering who we are as parents, we are also responsible for the care and well-being of our new wee addition; this alone can be a very daunting thought and sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming.
Full list of topics:
* Birth Experiences
* Mothers Mental Health
* Self Care
* Adjusting to Parenting
* Chilhood illnesses
* Normal Newborn Behaviour
* Infant Sleep
* Feeding Support
* Infant Brain Development
* Physical & Language Develpment
* Infant Massage
* Car Seat Safety
* Introduction of Solids
* Returning to Work
* Childcare Options
It is an opportunity to ask questions, seek support and ultimately meet other new mums in the same situation as you.
Our Education Manager, Zalie Doyle created and delivers the course with her knowledge, skills and a passion for new mums and babies.